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What a ride it's been!
When I first met Cindy, WOTH Editor, in February 2011, we agreed that I would write The Yellow Dress blog for a year. And with the first week of April being my one-year anniversary, I wanted you to know that I'm approaching it as my last posts. It's been a difficult decision to make, but ultimately, I feel like "it's time" for me.

In all my transition and readjustment to the States, writing a post each week on my time in my beloved desert country has been fun, a little taxing, but mostly cathartic. [Cathartic: A release of emotional tension, as after an overwhelming experience, that restores or refreshes the spirit.] I'm especially grateful to Cindy and WOTH for allowing me this space, and offering me steadfast encouragement to explore and organize my incredible experience of living in the Middle East as a single woman.

The real joy has come in knowing that my voice is valued and I'm not alone. You, my sweet readers, have encouraged me with comments and your own, similar stories and I am so honored that you have come along with me in this way. This Yellow Dress has been a most beautiful endeavor for me and I treasure the people, the process and the product. 

If you have any topics or questions, please make them known for me to address. I'll do my best to insert it in the coming weeks. Shuuuukkrrrraaannnn ktiir! [Thank you SO MUCH] For reading and caring and sharing and responding. TYD is so special to me, as well as you. Thanks for letting me share the ride!

And, as always, make the most of every opportunity [the uncomfortable, the embarrassing, the funny, the sad, the uncertain and the joyful] for, indeed, He is Good. He is Faithful. And He is Love. It's my hope and prayer that we will all continue in doing those "other things we do" for Him and His Name, wherever we might be.



  1. awww i'm gonna miss you!! i really enjoyed your writing, insight, and perspective. thanks for being so open and honest and willing to share your story with all of us.

  2. I'm going to miss you also! I just discovered your blog and have been recommended it to other ladies I know who are prepping for time in the ME. I hope it will still be here, just not having new content?
    Thanks for sharing your story.
    Blessings in your future endeavors!


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